Featural dynamics in morphosyntactic change

Book ChapterPaper
Iris Edda Nowenstein and Anton Karl Ingason
In Syntactic features and the limits of syntactic change. Jóhannes G. Jónsson and Thórhallur Eythórsson (eds.), pp. 301-319. Oxford University Press. [PDF]
Publication year: 2021

Developing Flashcards for Learning Icelandic

Xindan Xu and Anton Karl Ingason
Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL 2021). Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 177: 55–61. [PDF]
Publication year: 2021

Creating an Error Corpus: Annotation and Applicability

Þórunn Arnardóttir, Xindan Xu, Dagbjört Guðmundsdóttir, Lilja Björk Stefánsdóttir and Anton Karl Ingason
Proceedings of CLARIN 2021. Monica Monachini and Maria Eskevich (eds.), pp. 59-63. [PDF]
Publication year: 2021

The Meaning of Case: Productivity, Morphosyntactic Bootstrapping and Icelandic Datives

Proceedings of the 44th Boston University Conference on Language Development, ed. Megan M. Brown and Alexandra Kohut, 402-415. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. [PDF]
Publication year: 2020

Language Technology Programme for Icelandic 2019–2023

2020. Proceedings of LREC 2020. [PDF]
Publication year: 2020

Disambiguating Confusion Sets in a Language with Rich Morphology

Steinunn Rut Friðriksdóttir and Anton Karl Ingason
2020. Proceedings of ICAART 12 (International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence). [PDF]
Publication year: 2020

Disambiguating Confusion Sets as an Aid for Dyslexic Spelling

Steinunn Rut Friðriksdóttir and Anton Karl Ingason
2020. Proceedings of LREC 2020. READI Workshop on Tools and Resources to Empower People with REAding DIfficulties. [PDF]
Publication year: 2020

Developing a Faroese PoS-tagging solution using Icelandic methods

Hinrik Hafsteinsson and Anton Karl Ingason
Forthcoming. [PDF]
Publication year: 2020

Creating a Parallel Icelandic Dependency Treebank from Raw Text to Universal Dependencies

Hildur Jónsdóttir and Anton Karl Ingason
Forthcoming. Proceedings of LREC 2020. [PDF]
Publication year: 2020
Oxford University Press: Cover of collection of articles on Morphology

Attributive compounds

Book ChapterPaper
Anton Karl Ingason and Einar Freyr Sigurðsson
2020. Attributive Compounds. In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Morphology. Rochelle Lieber (ed. in chief). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [PDF]
Publication year: 2020

A Universal Dependencies Conversion Pipeline for a Penn-format Constituency Treebank

Þórunn Arnardóttir, Hinrik Hafsteinsson, Einar Freyr Sigurðsson, Kristín Bjarnadóttir, Anton Karl Ingason, Hildur Jónsdóttir, and Steinþór Steingrímsson
Forthcoming. In Proceedings of the forth workshop on Universal Dependencies, UDW-20, held as part of Coling 2020. ACL Anthology. [PDF]
Publication year: 2020

A Neural Parsing Pipeline for Icelandic Using the Berkeley Neural Parser

Þórunn Arnardóttir and Anton Karl Ingason
Proceedings of CLARIN 2020. Costanza Navarretta & Maria Eskevich (Eds.), pp 48-51. [PDF]
Publication year: 2020

Um nýyrði sem tengjast tölvum og tækni

Journal ArticlePaper
Tinna Frímann Jökulsdóttir, Anton Karl Ingason, Sigríður Sigurjónsdóttir, and Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson
Orð og tunga 21:101-128. [PDF]
Publication year: 2019

The Rise of the Definiteness Effect in Icelandic

Einar Freyr Sigurðsson and Anton Karl Ingason
K. Simov and M. Eskevich (Eds.). Proceedings of CLARIN Annual Conference 2019, pp. 167-170. Leipzig, Germany. [PDF]
Publication year: 2019

Linguistic end-weight is really edge-weight. Observing heaviness is a parsed corpus

Ingunn Hreinberg Indriðadóttir and Anton Karl Ingason
Proceedings of DHN (Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries) Annual Conference 2019, Costanza Navarretta, Bente Maegaard, and Manex Aguirrezabal Zapaleta (Eds.), pp 240-249. [PDF]
Publication year: 2019

Lifespan Change and Style Shift in the Icelandic Gigaword Corpus

Lilja Björk Stefánsdóttir and Anton Karl Ingason
K. Simov and M. Eskevich (Eds.). Proceedings of CLARIN Annual Conference 2019, pp. 138-141. Leipzig, Germany. [PDF]
Publication year: 2019

Flavors of reflexive arguments in Icelandic impersonals

Book ChapterPaper
In Semantic and syntactic aspects of impersonality. A.C. Wolfsburger, P. Herbeck, and B. Pöll (Eds.). pp. 71-98. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag. [PDF]
Publication year: 2019

A Parsing Pipeline for Icelandic based on the IcePaHC corpus

Tinna Frímann Jökulsdóttir, Anton Karl Ingason, and Einar Freyr Sigurðsson
K. Simov and M. Eskevich (Eds.). Proceedings of CLARIN Annual Conference 2019, pp. 138-141. Leipzig, Germany. [PDF]
Publication year: 2019

Icelandic case-marked CP

Journal ArticlePaper
Anton Karl Ingason
2018. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 63,3:444-453. [PDF]
Publication year: 2018

Digital resources and language use: Expanding the EGIDS scale for language development into the digital domains

Sebastian Drude, Anton Karl Ingason, Ari Páll Kristinsson, Birna Arnbjörnsdóttir, Einar Freyr Sigurðsson, Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson, Iris Edda Nowenstein, Sigríður Sigurjónsdóttir
FEL XXI Communities in Control: Learning tools and strategies for multilingual endangered language communities. Proceedings of the 21st FEL Conference 19–21 October 2017. In: Nicholas Ostler, Vera Ferreira og Chris Moseley (ritstj.). Hungerford: Foundation for Endangered Languages. [PDF]
Publication year: 2018

Um af-liði í ópersónulegri þolmynd

Journal ArticlePaper
Anton Karl Ingason and Einar Freyr Sigurðsson
Um af-liði í ópersónulegri þolmynd. Orð og tunga 19:173–193 [PDF]
Publication year: 2017

The interaction of adjectival structure, concord and affixation

Anton Karl Ingason and Einar Freyr Sigurðsson
The interaction of adjectival structure, concord and affixation. In Proceedings of the 47th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 47). Volume 2. Andrew Lamont and Katerina Tetzloff (Eds.), pp 89-98. [PDF]
Publication year: 2017

Clause bounded movement: Stylistic fronting and phase theory

Journal ArticlePaper
Anton Karl Ingason and Jim Wood
2017. Clause bounded movement: Stylistic fronting and phase theory. Linguistic Inquiry 48,3:513–527. [PDF]
Publication year: 2017

A high definition study of syntactic lifespan change

Lilja Björk Stefánsdóttir and Anton Karl Ingason
A high definition study of syntactic lifespan change. UPenn Working Papers in Linguistics. [PDF]
Publication year: 2017

,,Þáttur var tekinn í hlaupinu af Höskuldi.“ Samspil fastra orðasambanda og setningagerðar

Journal ArticlePaper
Anton Karl Ingason, Einar Freyr Sigurðsson, and Jim Wood
Forthcoming. ,,Þáttur var tekinn í hlaupinu af Höskuldi.“ Samspil fastra orðasambanda og setningagerðar. Milli mála.
Publication year: 2017

Veik fornöfn í afturbeygðri þolmynd

Journal ArticlePaper
Anton Karl Ingason, Einar Freyr Sigurðsson, and Þórhallur Eyþórsson
Veik fornöfn í afturbeygðri þolmynd. Íslenskt mál 38:51-81. [PDF]
Publication year: 2016

The Voice-adjunction theory of ‘by’-phrases and the Icelandic impersonal passive

PaperWorking Paper
Anton Karl Ingason, Iris Edda Nowenstein, and Einar Freyr Sigurðsson
2016. The Voice-adjunction theory of ‘by’-phrases and the Icelandic impersonal passive. Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 97:40–56. [PDF]
Publication year: 2016

Suffixation under structural adjacency. The case of Icelandic the-support

Anton Karl Ingason
2016. The case of Icelandic the-support. In Proceedings of the 46th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 46). [PDF]
Publication year: 2016

PaCQL: A new type of treebank search for the digital humanities

Journal ArticlePaper
Anton Karl Ingason
2016. PaCQL: A new type of treebank search for the digital humanities. Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics. 2(2):51–66. [PDF]
Publication year: 2016

Explicit realization of weak arguments

Þórhallur Eyþórsson, Anton Karl Ingason, and Einar Freyr Sigurðsson
2016. Explicit realization of weak arguments. In Proceedings of the 46th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 46). [PDF]
Publication year: 2016