Language contact without contact: A nationwide study of digital minoritization

Paper PresentationTalk
Ásgrimur Angantýsson, Sigríður Mjöll Björnsdóttir, Anton Karl Ingason, Iris Edda Nowenstein, Eirikur Rögnvaldsson and Sigríður Sigurjónsdóttir
2017. Language contact without contact: A nationwide study of digital minoritization. DiGS 19 contact workshop. September 5-8.
Publication year: 2017

Invited talk

Invited PresentationTalk
Anton Karl Ingason
Invited talk at Formal Ways of Analyzing Variation 4. York University, 29-30 June, 2017.
Publication year: 2017

Featural dynamics in morphosyntactic change

Paper PresentationTalk
Iris Edda Nowenstein and Anton Karl Ingason
Featural dynamics in morphosyntactic change. A paper presented at GURT 2017, Georgetown University, March 10–12, 2017.
Publication year: 2017

Fall fallsetninga

Paper PresentationTalk
Anton Karl Ingason
2017. Fall fallsetninga. A paper presented at the 31st Rask conference of the Icelandic linguistic society and the Linguistics Institute of the University of Iceland, Reykjavík, January 28th, 2017. [PDF slides]
Publication year: 2017

Clause bounded movement: Stylistic fronting and phase theory

Journal ArticlePaper
Anton Karl Ingason and Jim Wood
2017. Clause bounded movement: Stylistic fronting and phase theory. Linguistic Inquiry 48,3:513–527. [PDF]
Publication year: 2017

Annotating and querying the Icelandic Parsed Historical Corpus and closely related cross-linguistic counterparts

Invited PresentationTalk
Anton Karl Ingason
Annotating and querying the Icelandic Parsed Historical Corpus and closely related cross-linguistic counterparts. A paper presented at the Linguistic Annotation and Philology Workshop, Leipzig University, July 6-7.
Publication year: 2017

A high-definition study of syntactic lifespan change

Paper PresentationTalk
Anton Karl Ingason and Lilja Björk Stefánsdóttir
2017. A high definition study of syntactic lifespan change. A paper presented at PLC 41, University of Pennsylvania, March 24–26, 2017.
Publication year: 2017

A high definition study of syntactic lifespan change

Lilja Björk Stefánsdóttir and Anton Karl Ingason
A high definition study of syntactic lifespan change. UPenn Working Papers in Linguistics. [PDF]
Publication year: 2017

,,Þáttur var tekinn í hlaupinu af Höskuldi.“ Samspil fastra orðasambanda og setningagerðar

Journal ArticlePaper
Anton Karl Ingason, Einar Freyr Sigurðsson, and Jim Wood
Forthcoming. ,,Þáttur var tekinn í hlaupinu af Höskuldi.“ Samspil fastra orðasambanda og setningagerðar. Milli mála.
Publication year: 2017

Þáttur var tekinn í hlaupinu af Höskuldi: Samspil fastra orðasambanda og setningagerðar

Paper PresentationTalk
Anton Karl Ingason, Einar Freyr Sigurðsson, and Jim Wood.
2016. Þáttur var tekinn í hlaupinu af Höskuldi. Samspil fastra orðasambanda og setningagerðar. A paper presented at Höskuldarþing, in honor of Höskuldur Thráinsson, University of Iceland, January 16, 2016.
Publication year: 2016

Weak explicit arguments

Paper PresentationTalk
Thórhallur Eythórsson, Anton Karl Ingason and Einar Freyr Sigurðsson
2016. Weak explicit arguments. A paper presented at Workshop on impersonality, University of Salzburg, November 10-11, 2016.
Publication year: 2016

Veik fornöfn í afturbeygðri þolmynd

Journal ArticlePaper
Anton Karl Ingason, Einar Freyr Sigurðsson, and Þórhallur Eyþórsson
Veik fornöfn í afturbeygðri þolmynd. Íslenskt mál 38:51-81. [PDF]
Publication year: 2016

The Voice-adjunction theory of ‘by’-phrases and the Icelandic impersonal passive

PaperWorking Paper
Anton Karl Ingason, Iris Edda Nowenstein, and Einar Freyr Sigurðsson
2016. The Voice-adjunction theory of ‘by’-phrases and the Icelandic impersonal passive. Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 97:40–56. [PDF]
Publication year: 2016

The interaction of adjectival structure, concord and affixation

Anton Karl Ingason and Einar Freyr Sigurðsson.
2016. The interaction of adjectival structure, concord and affixation. A poster presented at the 47th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 47), University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Oct 14-16.
Publication year: 2016

Suffixation under structural adjacency. The case of Icelandic the-support

Anton Karl Ingason
2016. The case of Icelandic the-support. In Proceedings of the 46th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 46). [PDF]
Publication year: 2016

Realizing morphemes in the Icelandic noun phrase

Anton Karl Ingason
2016. Realizing morphemes in the Icelandic noun phrase. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Pennsylvania. [PDF]
Publication year: 2016

PaCQL: A new type of treebank search for the digital humanities

Journal ArticlePaper
Anton Karl Ingason
2016. PaCQL: A new type of treebank search for the digital humanities. Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics. 2(2):51–66. [PDF]
Publication year: 2016

Explicit realization of weak arguments

Þórhallur Eyþórsson, Anton Karl Ingason, and Einar Freyr Sigurðsson
2016. Explicit realization of weak arguments. In Proceedings of the 46th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 46). [PDF]
Publication year: 2016

Er hægt að lækna þágufallssýki? Máltökulíkön og málbreytingar

Paper PresentationTalk
Anton Karl Ingason and Iris Edda Nowenstein
2016. Er hægt að lækna þágufallssýki? Máltökulíkön og málbreytingar. A paper presented at Hugvísindaþing, the annual meeting of the humanities, University of Iceland, March 11–12, 2016.
Publication year: 2016

Displacement and Subject blocking in Verbal Idioms: Evidence from Passive-Like Constructions in Icelandic

PaperWorking Paper
Anton Karl Ingason, Einar Freyr Sigurðsson, and Jim Wood
2016. Displacement and Subject blocking in Verbal Idioms: Evidence from Passive-Like Constructions in Icelandic. Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 96:26–48. [PDF]
Publication year: 2016

Context updates are hierarchical

Journal ArticlePaper
Anton Karl Ingason
2016. Glossa, 1(1):37. [PDF]
Publication year: 2016

Suffixation under structural adjacency. The case of Icelandic the-support

Paper PresentationTalk
Anton Karl Ingason
2015. Suffixation under structural adjacency. The case of Icelandic the-support. A paper presented at the 46th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 46), Concordia University, Montreal, Oct 16-18, 2015.
Publication year: 2015

Samleguhamlan í beygingu íslenskra nafnorða

Journal ArticlePaper
Anton Karl Ingason
2015. Íslenskt mál 37:69–80. [PDF]
Publication year: 2015

Rhythmic preferences in morphosyntactic variation and the theory of loser candidates

Book ChapterPaper
Anton Karl Ingason
2015. Rhythmic preferences in morphosyntactic variation and the theory of loser candidates. In Rhythm in Cognition and Grammar: A Germanic Perspective, Ralf Vogel and Ruben van de Vijver (eds.), pp. 235–254. De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin. [PDF]
Publication year: 2015

Phase locality in Distributed Morphology and two types of Icelandic agent nominals

Anton Karl Ingason and Einar Freyr Sigurðsson
2015. Phase locality in Distributed Morphology and two types of Icelandic agent nominals. In Proceedings of the 45th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 45). Volume II. Thuy Bui and Deniz Özyıldız (eds.). pp. 45–58.
Publication year: 2015

Explicit realization of weak arguments

Thórhallur Eythórsson, Anton Karl Ingason, and Einar Sigurðsson.
2015. Explicit realization of weak arguments. A poster presented at the 46th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 46), Concordia University, Montreal, Oct 16–18, 2015.
Publication year: 2015

Rapid Deployment of Phrase Structure Parsing for Related Languages: A Case Study of Insular Scandinavian

Anton Karl Ingason, Hrafn Loftsson, Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson, Einar Freyr Sigurðsson, and Joel C. Wallenberg
2014. Rapid Deployment of Phrase Structure Parsing for Related Languages: A Case Study of Insular Scandinavian. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’14). pp. 91–95.
Publication year: 2014

Rapid Deployment of Phrase Structure Parsing for Related Languages: A Case Study of Insular Scandinavian

Paper PresentationTalk
Anton Karl Ingason, Hrafn Loftsson, Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson, Einar Freyr Sigurðsson, and Joel C. Wallenberg
2014. Rapid Deployment of Phrase Structure Parsing for Related Languages: A Case Study of Insular Scandinavian. A paper presented at the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC) 2014, Reykjavík, May 26–31, 2014
Publication year: 2014

Phase locality in Distributed Morphology and two types of Icelandic agent nominals

Paper PresentationTalk
Anton Karl Ingason and Einar Sigurðsson
2014. Phase locality in Distributed Morphology and two types of Icelandic agent nominals. A paper presented at the 45th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 45), Massachusetts Insitute of Technology, November 1st, 2014.
Publication year: 2014

From Many Corpora to One

Paper PresentationTalk
Anton Karl Ingason, Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson, Einar Sigurðsson, and Joel C. Wallenberg
2014. From Many Corpora to One. A paper presented at Diachronic Generative Syntax (DiGS) 16 as part of the workshop Converging Corpora: How to standardize historical corpora of typologically and genetically different languages. Budapest, July 2–5, 2014.
Publication year: 2014