Impersonal Modal Construction

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Parsed with an expletive, overt or covert.

Ekki má gefa börnum brauð (NP-SBJ *exp*)

Það má ekki gefa börnum brauð (Það = NP-SBJ ES)

Also used with an expletive with a direct object instead of IP-INF:

( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *exp*)
	  (NP-OB1 (D-A Þessa) (NS-A imbrudaga))
	  (MDPI skal)
	  (VB halda)
	  (PP (PP (P of)
		  (NP (N-A vor)))
	      (CONJP (CONJ og)
		     (PP (P of)
			 (NP (N-A sumar))))
	      (, ,-,)
	      (CONJP (PP (P of)
			 (NP (N-A haust))))
	      (CONJP (CONJ og)
		     (PP (P of)
			 (NP (N-A vetur)))))
	  (. .-.)))