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Word-level conjunction

See the PPCEME, PPCME2 guidelines.


(VAN (VAN máður) (CONJ og) (VAN ritaður))
(VBN (VBN máð) (CONJ og) (VBN ritað))
(VB (VB má) (CONJ og) (VB rita))


                                 (NP-OB1 (D (D-A hitt-hinn) (CONJ og-og) (D-A þetta-þessi))
						  (ADJ-A smálegt-smálegur)
						  (, ,-,)
						  (CP-REL (WNP-1 0)
							  (C ER-ER)
							  (IP-SUB (NP-OB1 *T*-1)
								  (NP-SBJ (PRO-N hún-hún))
								  (VBDS ætti-eiga)
								  (ADVP (ADV eftir-eftir))
								  (PP (P í-í)
								      (NP (N-D hús$-hús)
									  (D-D $inu-hinn)
									  (NP-POS (PRO-D sínu-sinn)))))))


Conjunction on the word-level, with and without overt conjunctions:

( (IP-MAT (CONJ En-en)
	  (PP (P á-á)
	      (NP (D-D þessi-þessi) (D-D inni-inni) (ADJ-D himnesku-himneskur) (N-D borg-borg)))
	  (BEPI eru-vera)
	  (NP-SBJ (NS-N hlið-hlið))
	  (ADVP-LOC (ADV austan-austan) (CONJ og-og) (ADV vestan-vestan) (, ,-,) (ADV sunnan-sunnan) (CONJ og-og) (ADV norðan-norðan))
	  (. .-.)))

Phrase-level conjunction

When any of the conjunct consists of more than a single word (see PPCME/PPCEME)

(XP (XP (X first-conjunct))
    (CONJP (CONJ conjunction)
           (YP (Y second-conjunct)))
    (CONJP (CONJ conjunction)
           (ZP (Z third-conjunct) (Z more-of-third-conjunct))))


( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ-1 *exp*)
	  (ADVP (ADV Þá-þá))
	  (BEPI eru-vera)
	  (NP-1 (OTHERS-N aðrir-annar)
		(, ,-,)
		(CP-REL (WNP-2 0)
			(C sem-sem)
			(IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-2)
				(VBPI kenna-kenna)
				(NP-OB1 (NP (N-D hafís$-hafís) (D $num-hinn))
					(CONJP (CONJ og-og)
					       (NP (N-D timbureklu$-timburekla) (D $nni-hinn))))
				(PP (P um-um)
				    (, ,-,)
				    (CP-THT (C að-að)
					    (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (N-N land$-land) (D $ið-hinn))
						    (BEPS sé-vera)
						    (ADJP (ADJR strjálbyggðara-strjálbyggður)


	  (CP-THT-1 (C að-að)
		    (IP-SUB (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (N-N fátækrastjórn$-fátækrastjórn) (D $in-hinn))
				    (VBPS sundri-sundra)
				    (NP-OB1 (NS-D HREPPSTJÓRU$-HREPPSTJÓRI) (D $num-hinn))
				    (, ,-,))
			    (CONJP (CONJ en-en)
				   (IP-SUB (NP-SUB *con*)
					   (VBPS samtengi-samtenga)
					   (NP-OB1 (PRO-A þá-þá))
					   (NEG ekki-ekki)))))

Different head tags

Conjoining ADJ and VAN:

	  (NP-PRD (N-N kerlingarskepna-kerlingarskepna)
		  (ADJP (ADJ gömul-gamall)
			(CONJP (CONJ og-og) (VAN slitin-slíta))))

Shared modifiers

Shared pre-modifiers

See PPCME/PPCEME Guidelines

Example for ADV heads with a shared pre-modifier ADV, notice the ADVX.

( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (N-FSNDC á$-á) (D $in-hinn))
	  (VBD-IA3SD skar-skera)
	  (ADVP (ADV svo-svo)
		(ADV skýrt-skýra)
		(CONJP (CONJ og-og)
		       (ADVX (ADV greinilega-greinilega))))
	  (PP (P-D úr-úr)
	      (NP (NS-NPDIC landamerkjum-landamerki)
		  (NP-POS (Q hvorratveggja-hvorratveggur) (NS-FPGDC jarðan$-jarða) (D $na-hinn))))

Shared post-modifiers

Always attached as high as possible.

Shared pre- and post-modifiers

Sometimes the first conjunct has a post-modifier which is also potentially shared with the second conjunct.

If the conjunction is definitely between two word-level constituents, then there can be ambiguity in the size of the constituents that are conjoined, just as in the "shared pre-modifier" case as above. This situation is handled as in the examples below:

(NP-SBJ (N-N Ótti)
               (D-N sá)
               (CONJP (CONJ og)
                             (NX (N-N skelfing))))
             (NP-SBJ (N-N upprekstrarland-upprekstrarland)
		        (NP-POS (NS-G bænda-bóndi))
		        (CONJP (CONJ og-og)
		      	              (NX (N-N afrétti-afréttur))))

Correlative conjunction

Annaðhvort eða 'either or' is treated differently than correlative conjunctions, such as BÆÐI OG:

(IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (PRO-N hún-hún))
        (BEDI var-vera)
        (ADVP-TMP (ADV ávallt-ávallt))
                  (PP (P í-í)
		      (NP (NP-POS (NPR-G Guðs-guð))
	                  (N-D þjónustu-þjónusta)))
	          (, ,-,)
	          (NP-ADV (OTHER-N annað-annar)
	                  (WPRO-N hvort-hvort)
			  (PP-PRN (PP (P á-á)
			              (NP (N-D bæ$-bær) (D-D $num-hinn)))
				          (CONJP (CONJ eða-eða)
				                 (PP (P í-í)
						     (NP (N-D skóla$-skóli) (D-D $num-hinn))))))
        (. .-.)))
(IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (PRO-N hún-hún))
        (BEDI var-vera)
	(NP-PRD (OTHER-N annað-annar)
	        (WPRO-N hvort-hvort)
	        (PP-PRN (PP (P á-á)
		        (NP (N-D bæ$-bær) (D-D $num-hinn)))
			    (CONJP (CONJ eða-eða)
			           (PP (P í-í)
				   (NP (N-D skóla$-skóli) (D-D $num-hinn))))))
	(. .-.)))

Word-level correlative conjunction


( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (PRO-N það-það))
	  (BEDI var-vera)
	  (ADJP (CONJ hvorki-hvorki) (ADJ-N hægt-hægur) (CONJ né-né) (ADJ-N skrautlegt-skrautlegur))
	  (. .-.))

Phrase-level correlative conjunction

(PP (CONJ hvorki-hvorki)
    (PP (P á-á)
        (NP (D-D þessu-þessi) (N-D fjalli-fjall)))
    (CONJP (CONJ né-né)
           (PP (P til-til)
               (NP (NPR-G Jerúsalem-jerúsalem)))))

Floated conjunctions

See the PPCME2, PPCEME documentation