
Book ChapterPaper
Anton Karl Ingason
Forthcoming. Phases/cyclicity. Artemis Alexiadou, Ruth Kramer. Alec Marantz, Isabel Oltra-Massuet (eds.). In The Cambridge Handbook of Distributed Morphology, Cambridge University Press. [PDF]
Publication year: 2024

Featural dynamics in morphosyntactic change

Book ChapterPaper
Iris Edda Nowenstein and Anton Karl Ingason
In Syntactic features and the limits of syntactic change. Jóhannes G. Jónsson and Thórhallur Eythórsson (eds.), pp. 301-319. Oxford University Press. [PDF]
Publication year: 2021
Oxford University Press: Cover of collection of articles on Morphology

Attributive compounds

Book ChapterPaper
Anton Karl Ingason and Einar Freyr Sigurðsson
2020. Attributive Compounds. In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Morphology. Rochelle Lieber (ed. in chief). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [PDF]
Publication year: 2020

Flavors of reflexive arguments in Icelandic impersonals

Book ChapterPaper
In Semantic and syntactic aspects of impersonality. A.C. Wolfsburger, P. Herbeck, and B. Pöll (Eds.). pp. 71-98. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag. [PDF]
Publication year: 2019

Rhythmic preferences in morphosyntactic variation and the theory of loser candidates

Book ChapterPaper
Anton Karl Ingason
2015. Rhythmic preferences in morphosyntactic variation and the theory of loser candidates. In Rhythm in Cognition and Grammar: A Germanic Perspective, Ralf Vogel and Ruben van de Vijver (eds.), pp. 235–254. De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin. [PDF]
Publication year: 2015